What are the perks and drawbacks of hybrid working?


Lan Nguyen

Marketing Executive

In this article...

    Recently, we conducted a poll on LinkedIn asking our audience about their preferred work practices. The results are in, and it's clear that hybrid work is a favorite among many (44%), followed by remote work with 26%. Although our survey result comes from a small group of people, it can still spark out the recent labor market trends. 

    Let's get to know about the perks and drawbacks of hybrid working in this article!

    What is hybrid working? 

    As Webex has defined: "Hybrid work is a flexible work model that supports a blend of in-office, remote, and on-the-go workers.” This is a more flexible working type as it allows people to choose their time and workplace as long as they can produce more productive work.  

    Many people find remote work helps them save a lot of commuting time. Being able to work from anywhere – or work from home during the COVID – allows them to spend more time with their family. Which ultimately improves their work-life balance and increases their productivity. On the other hand, some workers report that working from home makes them feel isolated, challenges their mental health, and, as a result, leaves them feeling disconnected or left behind.  

    These days, enterprises find that they can find a middle way to adapt to the future of work. They came up with a work practice that is partly on-site and partly remote - hybrid work. 

    What are the types of hybrid working? 

    Each company has its way of fostering hybrid working into the business model.  To succeed in adapting this work model, it’s crucial to gather employees’ insights - they are your main subject, after all. Listening to what tools and technology they need will help you apply the hybrid work more effectively. 

    Office-based with a hybrid option 

    Instead of a fixed option to work on-site, organizations release new rules that allow their employees to work remotely on special occasions or when their plans prevent them from coming to the office.

    Split-week hybrid working 

    Organizations require their employees to work at the office for a certain number of days. They find workers are happier working this way than having all weekdays in the office. Companies maintain a physical workplace and let managers or team leaders divide the time they need in-person work. On-site working days are usually fixed for every week. 

    This type of hybrid working helps companies remain in office interactions. 

    Hybrid work for independent tasks 

    Employees are only requested to go to the office for meetings or collaborative tasks, and they can work from anywhere for independent functions. Businesses that apply this work practice can remain physical offices if employees need to align their work. 

    On-site core team 

    One of the most common hybrid models is that they mandate employees to choose their work location while only keeping the core team to work onsite.

    What are the perks of hybrid working? 

    As stated at the beginning of this article, hybrid is the most favored type of working among EV readers recently. Let’s explore what hybrid working offers and how it can benefit your business! 


    The advantage of hybrid work is that employees can have more flexibility in their lives. Having the authority to choose where and when to work helps increase autonomy in the workplace and fuel workers to be more creative in their work. 

    The future of work is predicted to be all about flexibility. With the rise in numbers of Gen Z and Gen Y in the workforce, these generations will play crucial roles in the economic revolution soon. Young workers have set new recruitment trends that can change our working way entirely. One of which is prioritizing flexibility in work into consideration while job searching. 

    Work-life balance 

    Hybrid working helps employees save time commuting to work. They can now enjoy that time with their family and unwind after work. Hybrid working can also bring more comfort as employees can now choose to work from the comfort of their home, a nice café, or a beautiful co-working space. 

    Remains office interaction 

    The great thing about hybrid working is that it does not set people apart completely. Businesses can remain physical offices for meetings or those favors working at the office. This can somehow help maintain connections and employees’ sense of belonging. Which in turn protects the company culture and environment. 


    With employees working remotely part of the time, companies can downsize their physical office spaces, saving significantly on rent and maintenance expenses. Smaller office spaces mean reduced utility costs, including electricity, heating, and water usage. Not just that, reduced in-office presence results in less wear and tear on office equipment and facilities, extending their lifespan. 

    Larger talent pool 

    With hybrid working, companies can access a broader talent pool that allows companies to find candidates with the right skills and experience, potentially reducing recruitment costs. With more candidates to consider, you're likely to find the right fit faster, saving on recruitment cycle time and associated expenses.  

    The broader pool often includes local and remote candidates, reducing the need for costly relocation packages and allowing for more competitive salary offers. 

    Challenges of Hybrid Working 

    It’s not a one size fits all 

    While hybrid working has undeniable benefits, it's crucial to recognize that it may not be suitable for every industry, position, or company type: 

    • Industry Specifics: Certain industries, like manufacturing or healthcare, may require on-site presence due to the nature of their work, making hybrid models less practical. 

    • Position Requirements: Some roles, such as customer service or hands-on technical work, demand in-person interaction, making remote work challenging. 

    • Company Culture: The existing company culture and values may not align with a hybrid work setup, necessitating a gradual transition and cultural shift. 

    • Infrastructure and Technology: Companies need robust IT infrastructure and cybersecurity measures to support remote work effectively. 

    • Communication and Collaboration: In industries where collaboration is paramount, remote work can present challenges unless the right communication tools and strategies are in place. 

    • Employee Preferences: Not all employees may desire or thrive in a hybrid work environment, and their preferences must be considered. 

    • Management Style: Leaders may need training to manage remote teams effectively and ensure they remain engaged and productive. 

    • Legal and Compliance: Legal and compliance considerations, such as labor laws and data privacy regulations, can vary by region and may impact the feasibility of hybrid work. 

    Before applying hybrid work to your organization, invest time in comprehensive research, and consider piloting the approach to gauge its suitability. A well-informed and tailored strategy is the key to successful implementation. 

    Burnout sneaks in 

    Reports show that remote workers are less likely to take vacations. They feel guilty about taking time off while teleworking as they think they are not contributing enough to the company. This can cause faster burnout, even in the hybrid working environment. It can also impact the on-site team when they must adjust their plans due to the working schedule of the remote folks. 

    EV’s suggested solution is to invest in your company culture. If you can create an environment where employees don’t need to be guilty of feeling tired or overwhelmed, you can prevent and address workplace distress as it is forming. 

    Messy schedules 

    Despite the advantages of hybrid working, this work model can cause big headage for leaders if they don’t have a clear strategy. It is frustrating for on-site folks when they try to reach out to remote colleagues and receive no response.  

    Leaders should have clear guidelines and specific policies before shifting to hybrid working entirely. For example, you can require your employees to include their working schedule and publish it to everyone.

    Technology difficulties 

    While hybrid work offers flexibility and numerous advantages, it's important to acknowledge that requiring employees to set up their own home offices can present challenges. Employees may suffer from the challenge of the financial burden of creating their own functional home office, not to mention the technological difficulties because they cannot have their at-home IT support. 

    While setting up a home office requires some investment and planning, it empowers employees to take control of their work environment and can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity. 


    In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the concept of hybrid working has taken center stage. It offers a dynamic blend of the traditional office environment and the flexibility of remote work, promising both opportunities and challenges for employees and organizations alike. 

    Despite the advantages hybrid working brings to the workplace, there are also drawbacks to consider. In the end, the success of hybrid working hinges on thoughtful planning, clear policies, and a commitment to supporting employees in their unique work journeys. It is a journey towards adaptability, inclusivity, and the optimization of the modern workplace. 

