Most common interview questions and answers (P.2)


Lan Nguyen

Marketing Executive

In this article...

    Continue to our latest blog on the most common interview questions and answers, here comes part 2 with more questions that can get you stumbled. 

    Check out our newest tips and tricks to surpass the interview and land your dream job!

    1. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

    By responding to this question as a job applicant, you aid the interviewer in understanding your qualifications. Consider it a temporary go-ahead to boast about your prior experiences. This will help you to succeed in the interview by letting the interviewers know about your strengths.

    Selecting your biggest accomplishment will demonstrate to the interviewer what you value most and how you went about achieving it will demonstrate your workflow. Employers can determine whether your abilities and work ethic fit their needs and complement their corporate culture by using this kind of interview question.

    - Can you tell me about your greatest achievement?
    - Can you share a significant achievement from your professional experience?
    - Can you highlight a gratifying accomplishment you've achieved professionally?

    Let's think about your accomplishments:
    - Awards or educational achievements.
    - When you successfully deal with a difficult situation.
    - A successful project/presentation that brought great results (be specific).
    - Your contribution to the company's revenue.
    - When you reached your goal.
    - How you lead your team and results.

    Sample answers:

    "During my tenure as a financial analyst, I played a pivotal role in restructuring the company's budgeting process, resulting in a 15% reduction in operational costs without compromising on productivity or service quality. By implementing more efficient resource allocation strategies and leveraging advanced financial modeling techniques, I not only helped the company improve its bottom line but also positioned it for long-term financial stability and growth."

    "In my role as a human resources manager, I spearheaded the implementation of a comprehensive employee development program that resulted in a 25% reduction in staff turnover rates within the first year. By conducting thorough training needs assessments, designing customized training modules, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, I was able to enhance employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention, ultimately contributing to the company's overall success and competitiveness in the market."

    2. How do you plan to achieve your career goal?

    The interviewer might want to know if you have considered how you can benefit the organization in some way. Inquiries about whether your objectives coincide with theirs may also indicate that you're a good fit for the position. During the interview, you have the chance to demonstrate to the hiring manager your commitment to the position and your plans to advance the team. Additionally, you can mention that you've done some research on the employer.

    What steps are you taking to progress toward your career objectives?
    Could you outline your strategy for reaching your career aspirations?
    How do you intend to advance in your career and achieve your goals?

    Sample answers:
    "My career goal is to become a marketing director within the next five years. To achieve this, I plan to focus on building my strategic marketing capabilities by pursuing advanced certifications and attending industry conferences and workshops. Additionally, I will seek out opportunities to lead cross-functional marketing campaigns and initiatives that allow me to demonstrate my ability to drive business results and influence key stakeholders. By consistently delivering impactful marketing strategies and contributing to the overall success of my organization, I am confident that I can progress towards my career goal."

    3. What can you bring to the company?

    This kind of interview question is used by employers to gauge your confidence in your skills, find out what you believe to be your greatest qualities and get an idea of what you could bring to the table if you were employed. They also want to confirm that you have done your homework on the position and business. Hiring managers prefer to work with candidates who do their homework on potential employers, apply slowly, and search for the best fit rather than grabbing the first position they come across. A candidate who simply applies to hundreds of jobs without considering whether the employment is a suitable fit will never get hired.

    How do you envision contributing to our organization's success?
    In what ways do you believe your skills and experience align with our company's needs?
    What unique qualities or strengths do you bring to the table?

    Sample answers:
    "With a track record of consistently exceeding sales targets by 25% year-over-year and generating over $1 million in revenue annually, I am poised to drive significant revenue growth for the company. My strong negotiation skills and ability to foster long-term client relationships will be instrumental in expanding the company's market share."

    "With a proven ability to analyze complex data sets and derive actionable insights, I have helped previous employers achieve cost savings of up to 15% and revenue growth of 10% through data-driven decision-making. I am eager to leverage my analytical skills to optimize processes and drive profitability for the company."

    4. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

    When hiring managers inquire about your past mistakes and failures, they are not attempting to exclude you from the interview. Rather, their goal is to ensure that you are being truthful and forthright with them, which is crucial for ANY interview question. Additionally, they want to make sure you have accepted the error and grown from it. You won't get hired if you continue to come across as bitter or furious, or even worse, if it appears that you're abdicating responsibility and placing the blame elsewhere! Lastly, just like with all the other behavioral interview questions, they want to make sure you can explain a problem succinctly and clearly and that you can tell a clear, short tale. 

    Have you encountered any obstacles or difficulties in your previous roles? How did you handle them?
    Could you share an experience where things didn't go as planned and what you learned from it?
    Can you discuss a time when you had to deal with a failure or setback and how you overcame it?

    Sample answers: 
    "In a previous project, I misinterpreted the client's requirements, leading to a delay in delivery. Recognizing the error, I immediately took responsibility, communicated transparently with the client, and implemented corrective measures. This experience taught me the importance of active listening and thorough clarification of expectations upfront."

    "During a team presentation, I overlooked a critical detail in our data analysis, resulting in inaccuracies in our findings. I acknowledged the oversight to my team, swiftly corrected the error, and took steps to prevent similar mistakes in the future by implementing a peer review process. This incident reinforced the significance of meticulous attention to detail in my work."

    5. Why was there a gap in your employment?

    Employment gaps are times in your professional career when you were not employed in a formal capacity, either by choice or by necessity. A gap in employment should be recognized if it exceeds six months. If you don't include an explanation for your employment gap and the experience you acquired during that period, employment gaps on your resume may raise red flags.

    "Could you explain the period of time without employment on your resume?"
    "What circumstances contributed to the gap in your work experience?"
    "Can you provide some context for the lapse in your employment?"

    Sample answers:
    "During the gap in my employment, I took a sabbatical to focus on personal development and pursue a passion project. This time allowed me to recharge, gain new perspectives, and explore interests outside of my professional field."

    "Following the completion of a demanding project at my previous job, I decided to take some time off to travel and broaden my cultural experiences. This gap provided me with invaluable insights and inspiration that I can now bring back to the workplace."
